Do you have the right card to get discounts of up to 60% at Office Depot/OfficeMax? When we asked members that question on the Advice for REALTORS® blog, Jeanette Edwards wrote that she uses the card often and saves big on printer ink. Jesus Chuy Guerra wrote that it’s good for printing but pointed out not all items are included in the discount. (Ed note: That’s true, but the Member Benefits department works to make sure the most popular items purchased by Texas REALTORS® are included.) On Facebook, Chanel Newton Raesis wrote that she loves the card, and Kimberli Lindley agreed that it’s great. In response to John Weber, who asked if you can use the discount online, you can find more information at
“Interesting and helpful” is what Gregory Lee Lacy had to say about our post on the Advice for REALTORS® blog about referencing mineral and royalty interests in TREC and TAR forms. In reference to how TREC residential forms and TAR forms are silent on the issue, Jim Duncan wrote that he hopes those forms are updated to include mentions of mineral rights. For the forms to be silent or rely on the agent to address mineral rights, John McKenty wrote, is not in the best interest of the seller. Cassandra Pearce added that in nearly all of her land sales, buyers and sellers retain attorneys to review mineral rights issues.
Jim Sexton of Opendoor wrote in about the December 2017 “Share This” about instant offers to clarify that Opendoor “owns a licensed brokerage, which, like all TAR members, is bound by the Code of Ethics.” Sexton described the company’s service as “more than an ‘instant’ offer that involves hands-on work from local real estate experts” and that it is more accurate than any automated valuation service. Sexton pointed out that Opendoor has paid out $20 million in commissions and referrals to other brokerages, and that the company trusts REALTORS® to help clients make informed decisions about whether an Opendoor offer is or is not best for a client.